How’s your experience with

Yes, great! I would like to give feedback on the new doll I purchased. Overall, I am totally amazed : ). . I didn’t check my email very often after ordering because I had a lot of things to do in real life, and initially I missed some organizational emails about the order and the very useful cleaning kit, so the delivery took a bit longer, but thanks to the great support of the seller everything went very well. Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, worth the money. I was really, really nervous. This was my first time buying a full size doll. After weeks of research, I decided to go with this seller. I was very excited when I saw how many dolls they had to choose from. I contacted the seller and ended up working with her to place the order.10 days later, I received the doll!!!! The dolls were authentic and well packaged! The doll was authentic and the packaging was in good condition. There was no material damage and they included a couple extra wigs.

How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, I had a great time! It was a really pleasant experience! Packaging is very good, 17 days to my home. It’s really good, the ratio with real person is 1:1, the head is very real and beautiful, the body is soft and elastic, I don’t dare to say it’s the same as the real person, but it feels very good, the body is still very elastic and the posture is good. Cleaning is very easy, don’t forget to dry it at least one night before use. Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, worth it. The doll arrived in the factory box with no visible damage and the doll inside was well protected. Underneath the actual cardboard box, all four sides were covered with 3 cm thick Styrofoam and padded with very soft fabric. Her hands and feet have extra protection and her head is secured between her legs as usual. There is also an extra triangle of foam between the legs so that it doesn’t move during transportation.

How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, this is perfect for beginners – no cheating, truthfully described and discreetly packaged. It gives you the love you need and is soft and comfortable to the touch – but be careful not to get the inside dirty as it’s not easy to clean! At first it was a joke gift, but the birthday boy told me it was his favorite gift so far – who would have thought that erotica would be so popular?